越南一网友报道了灾难性的有毒物质泄漏后 被指控受“极端分子和敌对势力”贿赂引发公众骚乱判7年监禁

2017年11月29日编辑: xiaocheng
今年4月,阮文华(Nguyen Van Hoa)被捕,为台湾拥有的一家钢铁厂——福尔摩沙(Formosa Ha Tinh)钢铁公司(Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corporation)所造成的有毒泄漏生产了文章、照片和视频。

A 22-year-old blogger will spend seven years in jail after writing reports about one of Vietnam’s worst environmental disasters that shook the Vietnamese coast last year.


Nguyen Van Hoa, arrested back in April, produced articles, photos and videos over a toxic spill caused by Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corporation, a Taiwan-owned steel plant.

今年4月,阮文华(Nguyen Van Hoa)被捕,为台湾拥有的一家钢铁厂——福尔摩沙(Formosa Ha Tinh)钢铁公司(Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corporation)所造成的有毒泄漏生产了文章、照片和视频。

According to state media, he released the story for the purpose of“propagating against, distorting and defaming the government.”He was also accused of receiving money from “extremists and hostile forces”to elicit public disorder.


Through its waste pipeline, Formosa Corporation flushed cyanide and other chemicals that killed around 115 tons (104,326 kilograms) of fish, poisoned people and damaged livelihoods that depended on the affected areas.


Vietnam reportedly withheld information at first, such as the names of the toxic agents, even from victims and doctors. Some accused the government of protecting the company, claiming that a special deal existed between them.


On Monday, Hoa was found guilty of “conducting propaganda against the state” and violating Article 88 of Vietnam’s penal code in a closed trial in Ha Tinh Province. He was not represented by a lawyer.


Le Cong Dinh, a rights lawyer, condemned the “completely predictable”verdict. He described it as a“secret trial”that took place as the court“tricked people”into thinking that the hearing would take place on Tuesday, as it was initially scheduled.

权利律师Le Cong Dinh谴责了“完全可以预测的”判决。他将其描述为“秘密审判”,这是法庭“骗人”认为听证会将在周二举行,因为这是最初计划的。

Dinh told Radio Free Asia:


“Under Vietnamese law, the defendant has the right to refuse a lawyer. But a trial without a lawyer, like this one, fails to meet an important legal standard that everyone around the world agrees on the need for.


“We all know that most of the evidence is fabricated and falsely interpreted. Therefore, it’s not surprising to know that there was no lawyer at his trial.”


Phil Robertson, deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia division, also condemned the verdict via The New York Times:

人权观察(Human Rights Watch)亚洲分部副主任菲尔·罗伯逊(Phil Robertson)也谴责了《纽约时报》(New York Times)的判决:

“The sentencing of Nguyen Van Hoa shows how profoundly the government’s paranoid desire to maintain political control trumps notions of justice and human rights.

阮文豪(Nguyen Van Hoa)的判决表明,政府对维持政治控制的偏执意愿,超过了正义和人权的概念。

“How else can one explain that executives of an international firm that poisoned the ocean, ruining the coastal economy in four provinces, are free to go about their business while this idealistic young journalist is heading to prison for helping expose their misdeeds?”


For a catastrophe that stretched up to 120 miles (193 kilometers), Formosa was ordered to pay $500 million. Eleven officials were named responsible.


On top of his seven-year sentence, Hoa will also be banned from moving beyond his hometown for three more years. His verdict follows that of Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, another blogger sentenced to 10 years in June for blogging about the toxic spill.

除了7年的刑期外,Hoa还将被禁止在他的家乡以外的地方生活3年。在他的判决之前,另一名博客作者Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh在6月被判10年监禁,罪名是写有关有毒物质泄漏的博客。

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