余枫入榜内地男明星人气TOP10 经典好听的歌曲介绍

2016年04月24日编辑: baoling
余枫,内地男歌手,湖北武汉人,曾经是杨坤组的冠军。 2012年获得网络人气冠军,2014年获得度音乐新人奖。除此之外,余枫还有另外一个身份,那就是职业赛车手。余枫获得哪些荣耀,他有哪些好听的歌。下面就一起来了解下吧。

余枫back at one

余枫是三季《好声音》以来,首位唱跳结合的学员,他把舞台表演发挥到了极致。他的自信如阳光唤醒了舞台,他每一个舞步的节奏,每一个旋转的力道都恰到好处,整个表演完整而精彩。大众媒体评审昏昏欲睡之时,也都被他出其不意亮出的杀手锏所折服,爆发出阵阵欢呼与尖叫,给了他热情的呼应。毋庸置疑,在终极考核中以一曲《Back at one》击败对手Robynn & Kendy成功获得黄金席位;眼尖的网友发现,余枫所选的歌曲大都是英文歌,下面就一起来欣赏下这首歌的歌词吧。

Back At One 歌词

It’s undeniable

That we should be together

It’s unbelievable

How I used to say that I’ll fall never

The basis you need to know

If you don’t know just how I feel

Then let me show

You know that I’m for real

If all things in time

Time will reveal

One, you’re like a dream come true

Two, just want to be with you

Three, girl it’s plain to see

That you’re the only one for me and

Four, repeat steps one through three

Five, make you fall in love with me

If ever I believe my work is done

Then I’ll start it back at one

It’s so incredible

The way things work themselves out

It’s all emotional

When you know what it’s all about

And it’s undesirable

For us to be apart

We never would have made it very far

Cause you know you’ve got the keys to my heart

Cause one, you’re like a dream come true

Two, just want to be with you

Three, girl it’s plain to see

That you’re the only one for me and

Four, repeat steps one through three

Five, make you fall in love with me

If ever I believe my work is done

Then I’ll start it back at one

Say farewell to the dark of night

I see the coming of the sun

I feel like a little child

My life has just begun

You came and breathed new life

Into this lonely heart of mine

You threw out the lifeline

Just in the nick of time

One, you’re like a dream come true

Two, just want to be with you

Three, girl it’s plain to see

That you’re the only one for me and

Four, repeat steps one through three

Five, make you fall in love with me

If ever I believe my work is done

Then I’ll start it back at one

< 1 2 3 4 ..8 >
隋棠爱女庆生萌翻 网友惊:撞脸男歌手 薛之谦获“最佳人气男歌手” 向粉丝鞠躬感谢不离不弃 《天籁之战》莫文蔚落败还送抱 男歌手跪了 金志文中联榜获最具实力男歌手 携乐队嗨翻现场 香港男歌手除陈奕迅就侧田了 曾与曹格互殴致事业停滞 塞尔维亚女模特乳沟夹饼干 任男歌手舌舔画面太污不堪入目 王俊凯什么时候生日 王俊凯举办生日庆典直播粉丝应援 中国好声音余枫整容了吗 发型帅气图片曝光 余枫被传曾替女友还债 揭秘五段不为人知情史 女模特与男歌手吸毒后坐高铁 因散发特殊气味被抓